Eve Loo
Positive Primrose, SINGAPORE, Singapore
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

"Question" is the key to unlocking our fullest potential.
My creativity makes me unique, which allows me to see things beyond the naked eye and have an innovative mind to bring about change. My passion for Positive Psychology opens the doors to incorporating my creativity and a series of cool stuff into my path in Positive Psychology coaching. Providing a whole new channel and experience in ways of being.
Life is like a learning journey. The learning experience I have gained from different walks of life gave me vast exposure to many other areas. I am passionate, fun, humorous, highly driven, positive, and optimistic.
Learning provides a person a cycle of adaptive happiness and well-being. It grows our minds and us as a person. How interesting it will be for the things and people we encounter daily to be treated as a coaching practice or positive psychology coaching in action! I have always thrived on keeping myself updated on what else I can do to upkeep my momentum in any part of my learning journey, being whole as a person and a Positive Psychology Coach and Practitioner.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Tuesday, 25 October 2022 10:27 pm Title: Positive Psychology Coaching in a digitized way (#805)
4:45 PM
Eve Loo
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 2
Positive Psychology workshop to enhance engagement in the workplace (#806)
4:45 PM
Eve Loo
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 2
Job crafting experiment workshop in a playful way (#280)
3:50 PM
Eve Loo
Ignite - Work & Organizations
Positive Psychology Coaching in the dark (#807)
4:45 PM
Eve Loo
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 2
Positive eating and cooking with positive psychology coaching. (#231)
12:45 PM
Eve Loo
Ignite - The Journey of Life