Courageous action as a potential protection from moral injury (#854)
Does acting courageously protect us from moral injury? Negative psychological effects stemming from exposure to a violation of what’s right (Shay, 1995) have been linked in a variety of occupations to a variety of negative outcomes, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, and suicidality (Amsalem et al., 2021; Hall et al., 2022; Shay, 1995; Sugrue, 2020). Potentially morally injurious experiences (PMIEs; Drescher et al., 2011) lead to moral injury when there is dissonance between one’s actions during the event compared to the belief that one is a moral person (Litz et al., 2009). Courageous actions involve taking a worthwhile risk (Pury & Saylors, 2017), with the worth often representing a morally good goal (e.g., Lopez et al., 2003; Lord, 1918).
We predict that participants describing a PMIE who tried to stop the event would rate those actions in a manner consistent with courage. Additionally, compared to participants who did not try to stop the event, those taking action would think about the PMIE it in a less negative and more positive way.
We have preliminary results from 172 participants from a paid online sample. All participants were asked if they had ever experienced an event in an organization that violated their sense of right and wrong (a PMIE): 149 (87%) answered yes and were asked additional questions about the PMIE and any attempts they made to stop it. Responses to open-ended questions were analyzed using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (Boyd et al., 2022)
Eighty two (55%) did something to try to stop the action or reduce the harm; 67 (45%) did not. Descriptions of actions taken to stop a PMIE are broadly consistent with the hallmarks of courageous action, and rating of courageousness correlates significantly with a more positive emotional tone when describing the PMIE.
Data collection is ongoing, but if our hypotheses are supported, we suggest that courageous resistance can mitigate the harm from PMIEs.
- Amsalem, D., Lazarov, A., Markowitz, J. C., Naiman, A., Smith, T. E., Dixon, L. B., & Neria, Y. (2021). Psychiatric symptoms and moral injury among us healthcare workers in the COVID-19 era. BMC Psychiatry, 21.
- Boyd, R., Ashokkumar, A., Seraj, S., & Pennebaker, J. (2022). The Development and Psychometric Properties of LIWC-22.
- Drescher, K. D., Foy, D. W., Kelly, C., Leshner, A., Schutz, K., & Litz, B. (2011). An exploration of the viability and usefulness of the construct of moral injury in war veterans. Traumatology, 17(1), 8-13.
- Hall, N. A., Everson, A. T., Billingsley, M. R., & Miller, M. B. (2022). Moral injury, mental health and behavioural health outcomes: A systematic review of the literature. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29(1), 92-110.
- Litz, B. T., Stein, N., Delaney, E., Lebowitz, L., Nash, W. P., Silva, C., & Maguen, S. (2009, Dec). Moral injury and moral repair in war veterans: a preliminary model and intervention strategy. Clin Psychol Rev, 29(8), 695-706.
- Lopez, S. J., O'Byrne, K. K., & Petersen, S. (2003). Profiling courage. In S. J. Lopez & C. R. Snyder (Eds.), Positive psychological assessment: A handbook of models and measures. (pp. 185-197). American Psychological Association.
- Lord, H. G. (1918). The psychology of courage. John W. Luce.
- Pury, C. L. S., & Saylors, S. (2017). Courage, courageous acts, and positive psychology. In D. S. Dunn (Ed.), Positive Psychology: Established and Emerging Issues (pp. 153-168). Routledge.
- Shay, J. (1995). Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character. Simon & Schuster.
- Sugrue, E. P. (2020). Moral Injury Among Professionals in K–12 Education. American Educational Research Journal, 57(1), 43-68.
- Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Coping and Emotion Regulation, Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth, Strengths