Understanding Unfolding Lives:  The Integrative Science of MIDUS — ASN Events

Understanding Unfolding Lives:  The Integrative Science of MIDUS (#301)

Carol Ryff 1 , Adolfo Cuevas 2 , Jennifer M Boylan 3 , Elliot Friedman 4 , Stacey Schaefer 5
  1. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Verona, WI, United States
  2. Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York University, New York, USA
  3. Health and Behavioral Sciences, , University of Colorado-Denver,, Denver, USA
  4. College of Health and Human Sciences, Pursue University, West Lafayette, USA
  5. Institute on Aging, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, USA

MIDUS (Midlife in the U.S.) is a national longitudinal study that has been following 11,000+ Americans over the past three decades.  The publicly available data have led to 1,800+ publications tracking the health consequences (mental, physical) of socioeconomic inequality, racial disparities, early adversity, and perceived discrimination.  The pathways (biological, neuroscience) through which these effects occur are also examined.  A major theme is protective factors in the face of life adversity.  Each member of the panel will provide an overview of findings in their area and then will engage in a discussion led by Carol Ryff to consider the relevance for practice and public health of this major multidisciplinary study. 

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