How to build well-being and success in university and college students: design, valisation and results of 12 weeks long well-being intervention.  — ASN Events

How to build well-being and success in university and college students: design, valisation and results of 12 weeks long well-being intervention.  (#710)

Jana Koci 1
  1. Charles University in Prague, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC, Czech Republic

University and college students are looking for a way to improve their personal well-being, as well as their academic achievements. There has been strong evidence on correlation between well-being and good academic performance. Academic well-being has garnered increased attention as a major student’s health interest lately. Constantly growing students’ mental health issues, poor academic achievements and increased school dropout rates call for effective positive psychology interventions supporting well-being in students’ everyday lives. This study presents the development of a 12 weeks long interventional program. “Uniwellsity: How to build well-being and success in university and college students” is a specifically designed program providing students with an in-depth understanding of new theories of well-being, tools to assess their well-being and evidence based practices building well-being skills. Well-being education is delivered through focused lectures, group discussions, and by practicing hands-on activities. Each lesson introduces current findings on building blocks of well-being (PERMA and PERMA+4) and presents strategies on how to practice evidence-based interventions supporting positive functioning of students. Educational program was validated at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic and was found effective in fall semester 2022. The Interventional course provided students with 12 weeks of training in caring for their well-being. Students learned how to build their strengths in alignment with PERMA, the new theory of well-being and a relatively new framework, PERMA+4, which summarizes the building blocks of well-being targeted to boost good physical health, positive mindset, creating positive environments, economic security, positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and purpose, and achievement. Experimental group reported significantly increased life satisfaction, overall well-being, growth in all nine building blocks of well-being and care for their own well-being in the university environment compared to a control group. Building the well-being of students is meaningful and can be very effective. Positive university and college education can focus on both, on academic learning delivering the traditional outcomes of schooling as well as building students' well-being and health.

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