Happytalism. A new paradigm for all beings flourishing.  — ASN Events

Happytalism. A new paradigm for all beings flourishing.  (#671)

Luis Gallardo 1
  1. World Happiness Foundation, Sunny Isles Beach, FLORIDA, United States


“Every person wants to be happy – that’s not something we need to debate or think about – it’s just the state of humanity and an undeniable urge we all feel. If that’s true, then why is it so hard for us all to be happy? Why is there no worldwide consensus that puts emphasis on all of humanity being happy? What’s worse, why is a happy world an unachievable utopia in the minds of most people?

How can we bridge scarcity and abundance, belonging and loneliness, rich and poor, fulfilled and unfulfilled individuals and societies? 


Whatever the case may be, we are inviting you to open your mind and broaden your understanding of the world and the human race inhabiting it. I'll give an overview of personal and conditional elements to build a new paradigm to achieve fundamental peace. 

The solution to this conundrum resides deep inside each individual through both our dynamic and fluctuating conditions. As such, how—and the way—we interact in communities, both global and local, our connectivity, coupled with our personal level of awareness and mindfulness, will ultimately determine world happiness.


An igniting and structured presentation based on my book that showcases a framework for individual and collective sustainable progress. 


10 Billion Happy by 2050


 We just need the right individual and collective mindset to build a system where all people and living beings flourish. Happytalism is my proposal to create such a world. 

  1. Happytalism book in English. https://www.amazon.com/Happytalism-matters-continued-existence-human-ebook/dp/B0879DG5DX
  2. The Exponentials of Happiness Book. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0825HKMSD?tag=&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1
  3. About Luis Gallardo https://gallardo.world/about
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