Predictability of strengths, Big Five and situational factors toward local and global SWBs — ASN Events

Predictability of strengths, Big Five and situational factors toward local and global SWBs (#140)

Kazuya Horike 1 , Hiroko Horike 2
  1. Toyo University, Sendai, MIYAGI, Japan
  2. Faculty of Arts, Tohoku-Gakuin Universtiy, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan


Positive psychology has shed light on the human strengths based on personality trait theory. Several researchers highlighted the importance of situational factors (e.g., Kashdan & Steger,2011; Biswas-Diener,2011). However, there were few specific studies focused on situational factors on strengths. 


To reveal the importance of situational factors in the study of strengths and subjective well-being.


 Over one thousand participants answered the questions on web, to describe one positive situation they had experienced within one month. They were also asked to describe, a) the scene/setting, b) with whom they were, and c) the behavior they took at the situation (open questions respectively). Subsequently, they were asked to rate, 1) the positivity of the situation (1:negative – 7:positive), 2) the local aspects of SWBs (emotional, psychological, engaging, relational, and cultural), 3) situational cognition scales (CAPTION, Parrigon,et al.,2017), 4)character strengths scale (Morimoto, et al.,2013), 5)Big Five scale (Namikawa,et al.,2012), and 6) their global happiness and SWLS.


Two hundred and three participants who answered they had not experience applicable situations were removed. Remaining participants’ situations (n=922) were analyzed. Means of situation positivity were 5.23 (s=1.55). Factor analysis of CAPTION revealed seven factors as the same as the original scale. Character strengths converged into six factors. Big Five showed five factors solution. Then, hierarchical multiple regression was conducted for each of local SWBs, global happiness and SWLS. Strengths factors entered in as first step, following Big Five and situational factors (CAPTION). The increments of adj.R2 of strengths (.09-.15)and Big Five(.03-.06) were remained in small amount. Meanwhile. the increments of adj.R2 of situational factors were significant in every SWBs(.09-.28). However, strength and Big Five had more predictability than situational factors in the case of global happiness.


The situational factors had more predictability on local SWBs than strengths or Big Five.

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