Chair: Barbara Fredrickson
Positive Psychological Processes in Societal Contexts: Incorporating Structural Inequities and Culture in Studies of Social Connectedness and Physical Health (#23)
9:15 AM
The Impact of Psychological Safety and Anticipated Discrimination on the Emotional Quality of Social Interactions with Strangers and Acquaintances (#24)
9:15 AM
How Economic Inequality and Socioeconomic Status Shape the Positive Emotional Quality of Community Social Interactions (#25)
9:15 AM
Does Culture Shape the Way Positive Emotions Resonate in Day-to-Day Interactions?: Testing Relational Mobility as a Mechanism (#26)
9:15 AM
Identity Vitality-Pathology theory: A novel theoretical framework outlining socially-informed identity antecedents to psychological predictors of health (#27)
9:15 AM