SIPPA Mentor-Mentee Meet and Greet — ASN Events
3:15PM - 4:15PM
East Meeting Room 8
Chair: Patricia Groß

SIPPA initiated a mentoring program for the World Conference. Many thanks to all of you who registered either as a mentor or as a mentee. We will email you your matches in advance of the conference so you may get in contact in preparation for this session.  This session aims to provide you with an opportunity to meet in-person during the conference.

In addition, we invite all students and professionals (researchers and practitioners) who are looking for an opportunity to connect with students to join this session. As a student, you will have the chance to ask whatever questions comes to your mind. As a professional, you can help the next generation by answering these questions, giving advice, or simply sharing stories about your own careers.

If you would like to learn more about SIPPA or get involved, feel free to reach out to



Patricia Groß, Osnabrück University, Germany, 

Patricia Gross is the current President of the Student Division of the IPPA (SIPPA). Most recently in this role, she created the mentoring programme, which will unroll at this year’s World Congress. Prior to her role as SIPPA President, she acted as SIPPA’s Professional Development Lead where her remits included organizing student development series, moderating a panel discussion at IPPA's Idea Starter Symposium, and more. In addition to her involvement with IPPA, she also co-leads a local group of Effective Altruism (EA). Participating in these communities empowers her to apply a scientific way of thinking to contribute to a better world.

Patricia is studying Cognitive Science at the University of Osnabrück in Germany. This gives her an interdisciplinary background including psychology, neurobiology, philosophy, and computer science, and enables her to explore wellbeing from a variety of perspectives. Her academic studies expose her to a myriad of methodological skills including data analysis, use of online survey tools, coding, app development, and more. She is interested in both gaining further insights into wellbeing and promoting these insights beyond academia.

To be able to conduct her bachelor's thesis in the realm of positive psychology, she moved temporarily to Norway to work at the intersection of psychology and philosophy under the supervision of Professor Joar Vittersø (social psychology). Patricia investigated the relationship between virtues and wellbeing – specifically, how wisdom interferes with eudaimonic and hedonic aspects respectively. She also recently worked as a research assistant for Professor Johannes Hirata (Business Ethics) on a project investigating the influence of relative effects on life satisfaction. The results will be presented at the 21st International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) Conference in Rotterdam in August 2023.

Patricia is open-minded about her future career path and is interested in available internship and thesis opportunities to gain further experience in how a positive psychology inspired mindset can help make the world a better place.