Flow 2.0: Vital engagement and optimal development across the lifespan — ASN Events

Flow 2.0: Vital engagement and optimal development across the lifespan (#96)

Cedomir Ignjatovic 1 , Peggy Kern 1
  1. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Flow refers to the daily experience of absorbed attention and the optimal application of socio-ecological information that together contribute to the life well-lived. The flow concept has international appeal across a variety of settings and yet challenges remain in effectively translating the concept into the everyday lives of working adults.  Attempts to apply flow in work settings (i.e., ‘Flow 1.0’) have prescribed the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of structuring optimal attention and experience. These approaches remain highly valid particularly as contemporary society makes it harder to focus attention on daily life, However, Flow 1.0 efforts have been static and rigid translations of the flow theory, lacking the transforming impact for typical working adults of various socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, due in part to the experience being described as a something exceptional or instrumental to some productive result, rather than embraced as a vital (albeit fluctuating) experience in and of itself. Here we introduce Flow 2.0 which focuses on the process of the flow experience itself as part of the ongoing evolution of the well-lived life. Sustainably bringing ‘flow into play’ in the daily lives of working adults is proposed to occur via the VIVA (Virtue, Involve, Vital, Accept) process, supported over time via the mechanisms of ARIA (Attending, Reflecting, Informing, Acting). Research and practice implications are discussed for enhancing vital engagement and optimal development across the lifespan.

  • Please select up to 3 keywords from the following list to best describe your submission content: Flow, Life span development, Sustainability