5 steps to discerning a calling or meaningful work — ASN Events

5 steps to discerning a calling or meaningful work (#30)

Bryan Dik 1 , Michael F. Steger 1
  1. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Background. Calling and meaningful work are rapidly growing areas of research. Practitioners have developed empirically supported strategies to help clients discern their callings and experience more meaning at work. This presentation applies meta-analytic evidence by demonstrating ways to help clients experience a sense of purpose in career decision-making and career development.

Aims. This presentation aims to (1) introduce attendees to evidence-based practices designed to help clients discern a calling and experience more meaning in their work and careers, and (2) demonstrate a way to leverage three of these practices in career counseling and coaching practice.  

Method. The presenters will introduce the five steps (derived from a classic meta-analysis on career interventions) that create the conditions in which career decision-clarity often emerges.  The steps will be supplemented by an evidence-based application strategy summarized using the acronym SPIRE (strengths, personalization, integration, resonance, expansion). Attendees will participate in a demonstration of a goal-setting exercise that leverages three of the steps, Integration, Resonance, and Expansion.

Results. The presenters and attendees will debrief the demonstration and discuss ways to measure their effectiveness and adapt the practices for use with a diverse array of clients.

Conclusion. Discerning a calling and approaching work in ways that enhance its meaningfulness are essential goals for experiencing greater wellbeing at work, and for enhancing the wellbeing of others. Session attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of concrete strategies for supporting their clients in obtaining these goals.


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