Nancy Kirsner
Dr. Nancy Kirsner PHD. PA private practice; South Florida Center for Psychodrama and Group Works, FL, United States
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Nancy Kirsner, PhD, TEP, LMFT, OTR, began her career in helping others as an occupational therapist in a VA hospital during the Vietnam War. Over the last 40 years, she has worked as a Gestalt art therapist, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, university professor, and trainer and practitioner of psychodrama and group psychotherapy. With a PhD in Counseling Psychology, Nancy has worked as a forensic consultant with attorneys, and she facilitates Bibliodrama (stories from the Bible) at temples and churches.
Nancy is co-author (with Phoebe Atkinson of Positive Psychology and Psychodrama, a chapter in Action Explorations: Using Psychodramatic Methods in Non-Therapeutic Setting (edited by Adam Blatner,2019).
Currently Nancy is co-authoring with Dr. Raina Murnak, Positive Psychology for Music Professionals: Character Strengths to be released in 2023.
More important than any or all of these “credentials”… Nancy cares about people and is a person of the heart. In the words of Chris Peterson, “Other People Matter.”
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The broaden and build effects of a positive psychology clinical peer group (#668)
4:15 PM
Lorraine Gahles-Kildow, PhD
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 1