Tim Lomas
Harvard University, WASHINGTON, United States
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr. Tim Lomas has been a lecturer in positive psychology at the University of East London since April 2013. Tim completed his PhD at the University of Westminster in 2012, where his thesis focused on the impact of meditation on men's mental health. Since 2013, Tim has published numerous papers and books on topics including positive psychology theory, mindfulness, Buddhism, linguistics, and gender. His work has been featured in articles in prominent publications including TIME, The New Yorker, Scientific American, and The Atlantic. His current main area of research involves creating a lexicography of untranslatable words relating to wellbeing (please visit www.drtimlomas.com/lexicography for the latest on the project). Two books on the project are out in 2018: an academic analysis of the lexicography, entitled Translating Happiness: A Cross-Cultural Lexicon of Wellbeing, published by The MIT Press; and a general interest exploration of key words, entitled The Happiness Dictionary: Words from Around the World to Help Us Lead a Richer Life, published by Piatkus.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Flourishing and the Global Flourishing Study (#22)
8:00 AM
Tyler VanderWeele
Tmothy Lomas
Tmothy Lomas
Plenary Panel - Flourishing and the Global Flourishing Study