Michela Zambelli
Università di Genova and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, ITALY, Italy
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Michela is currently a post-doctoral fellow in psychometrics in the department of educational science at the Unviersity of Genoa (Italy). She dedicated her Ph.D. dissertation to the study of the dynamics of change of the meaning-making process during the transition to adulthood by collecting cross-sectional and intensive daily diary data. Her expertise focuses on intensive longitudinal methods, and the application of innovative techniques to model inter-individual and intra-individual dynamics such as dynamic structural equation models, multilevel network psychometric. Other topics she is interested in are development and validation of tests and measures, person-oriented techniques, measurement invariance, and dyadic data analysis.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Understanding the dynamics of the meaning-making process in everyday life: contributions from intensive longitudinal studies (#48)
10:45 AM
Michela Zambelli
Nicole Long Ki Fung
Yein Kim
Nicole Long Ki Fung
Yein Kim
Symposium - Understanding the dynamics of the meaning-making process in everyday life: contributions from intensive longitudinal studies
Let’s SMILE! the role of the meaning-making process as a mediator between young people’s identity dispositions and future perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic (#920)
4:45 PM
Michela Zambelli
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 2