Meike Bartels
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NOORD HOLLAND, Netherlands
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Meike Bartels (1973) is University Research Chair Professor in Genetics and Wellbeing at the Department of Biological Psychology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She published over 250 papers in peer-reviewed journal including the first molecular genetic evidence for wellbeing in PNAS and the first genomic variant for wellbeing in Nature Genetics. She is the president of the International Positive Psychology Association and one of the past presidents of the Behavior Genetics Association. She combines research with teaching and is the Director of the Research Master Genes in Behaviour and Health, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. She was awarded a prestigious European Research Council Consolidator grant and an NWO VICI grant to build, expand and consolidate her line of research on Genetics and Wellbeing.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
The Ecological Momentary Assessment of Well-being: a genetically informative study (#175)
10:05 AM
Meike Bartels
Podium - Personal Growth, Intention-Action Gap, Ecological Momentary Assessment and Measuring Grit
What are the implications of genetically informative research for wellbeing prevention and interventions strategies? (#264)
3:45 PM
Meike Bartels
Ragnhild Bang Nes
Ragnhild Bang Nes
IPPA President's Symposium - What are the implications of genetically informative research for wellbeing prevention and interventions strategies?