Jared Warren
Brigham Young University, UT, United States
- This delegate is contactable by email.
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Applied Positive Psychology for the Masses: Increasing access to Research-Based Resources (#50)
10:45 AM
Jared S Warren
Jeremy Bekker
Katelyn Jackman
Gus Salazar
Jeremy Bekker
Katelyn Jackman
Gus Salazar
Symposium - Applied Positive Psychology for the Masses: Increasing access to Research-Based Resources
Efficacy of an online mindfulness training for youth: A pilot study (#724)
4:15 PM
Gus Salazar
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 1
Gratitude training for promoting subjective well-being: Comparing journaling to a personalized menu approach (#655)
4:15 PM
Conner L Deichman
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 1
A scoping review of sustainable well-being education (#708)
4:15 PM
Bryce klingonsmith
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 1