Gesa Christin Mey
ESCP Business School Berlin, BERLIN, Germany
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Christin Mey, a certified business coach and former brand strategist, is conducting research on employee well-being for the Chair of Organisation & HRM at ESCP Business School Berlin. Her academic and vocational background is in communication strategy, neuromarketing and behavioural science. In her TedX talk “Time to Thrive”, she talks about how adversity can be a powerful ally in building mental resilience.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
A grateful volunteer is a resilient volunteer: the crucial link between engagement, gratitude & resilience (#829)
4:45 PM
Gesa Christin Mey
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 2
About insanity & sanity: how our worst experiences might advance our collective knowledge (#151)
3:30 PM
Gesa Christin Mey
Ignite - Resilience