Lisa Sansom
LVS Consulting, ON, Canada
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Lisa Sansom is the owner and founder of LVS Consulting, a boutique speaking and consulting company that helps to build positive workplaces. Lisa has her MBA from the University of Toronto (2000), her MAPP from the University of Pennsylvania (2010) and is a PCC-certified coach. Lisa also has expertise in change management, process management and organizational development. She has been working in the corporate and higher education organizational development / leadership development space since 2000. Her first career was a high school French teacher, she works now at Queen's University in Canada, and positive education remains a passion, as is working with gifted and 2e children and adults.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Catch them doing things right - A research-based framework for the effective delivery of in-situ positive feedback in the workplace (#869)
4:45 PM
Lisa Sansom
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 2
Write for impact: Techniques to get writing done, done well, and published (#310)
2:30 PM
Kathryn H Britton
Lisa Sansom
Lisa Sansom
Half Day Afternoon Workshop - Write for impact: Techniques to get writing done, done well, and published