Claudia Harzer
Medical University Hamburg, HAMBURG, Germany
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr. Claudia Harzer received her master’s degree in psychology from the University Bielefeld, Germany, and her PhD in psychology from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Since 2012 she worked as interim/visiting professor at several universities in Germany and taught courses on positive psychology, health promotion, psychological assessment, and test development. Starting in October 2018 she is visiting professor to teach positive psychology at the Technical University Darmstadt, Germany, and interim professor for personality psychology and psychological assessment at the University of Greifswald, Germany. Her research is mainly focused on the role of character strengths and strengths-related person-job fit for various indicators of optimal functioning at work (e.g., well-being, performance). In 2013, she has been awarded the Dissertation Award by the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA). She actively contributes to the dissemination of positive psychology by (a) publishing in scientific journals (e.g., Frontiers in Psychology, Journal of Happiness Studies, Journal of Positive Psychology, Human Performance), (b) delivering talks at academic conferences, different universities, and companies, (c) teaching courses on positive psychology and supervising theses of bachelor, master, and doctoral students with topics linked to positive psychology, and (d) disseminating her findings to the broader public via press releases and interviews in public media.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Character strengths use and development at work: New interventions and perspectives (#34)
9:15 AM
Philippe Dubreuil
Claudia Harzer
Marc-Antoine Gradito-Dubord
Charles Martin-Krumm
Claudia Harzer
Marc-Antoine Gradito-Dubord
Charles Martin-Krumm
Symposium - Character strengths use and development at work: New interventions and perspectives
Cultural relevance of character strengths in Eurasia: Making science of strengths less WEIRD (#103)
2:10 PM
Tahira Mubashar
Podium - Cross-cultural Perspective on Optimism, Character Strengths, Mattering and Post-traumatic Growth