Katherine Nelson-Coffey
Arizona State University, AZ, United States
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Associate Professor Katherine Nelson-Coffey, Ph.D. is an associate professor of psychology at Arizona State University. She received her Ph.D. in social/personality psychology from the University of California, Riverside. Her research focuses on understanding how giving and receiving care from others is related to happiness and meaning in life. To this end, she takes a multi-method approach to investigating how caregiving in formal (e.g., parenting) and informal (e.g., prosocial behavior) contexts is associated with well-being. Her research on these topics has been published in leading academic journals, such as Psychological Science, Psychological Bulletin, Emotion, and Psychoneurendocrinology, and has been featured by media outlets including NPR, The Huffington Post, Time, The Atlantic, and USA TODAY. She is also the author of the blog “Living Life Well” on PsychologyToday.com. When she’s not teaching or researching happiness, she tries her hardest to follow her own advice and live life to the fullest.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Children’s positive emotions predict multiple well-being outcomes 39 years later (#203)
11:35 AM
John K. Coffey
Podium - Active-Constructive Responding, Positive Emotions: 39 years later, and Protective Factors for Suicidal Behaviour
Gratitude improves parents' well-being and family functioning (#134)
3:15 PM
Katherine Nelson-Coffey
Podium - Gratitude and Family Functioning, Positive Parenting, and Positive Interventions in Primary Schools