Gavin Slemp
The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Dr Gavin Slemp (BA, Hons, Psy.D) is a registered organisational psychologist and an early career researcher at the Centre for Positive Psychology in the University of Melbourne. Gavin’s research interests include the predictors of autonomous work motivation and employee well-being, including job crafting, leader autonomy support, and employee health interventions, such as mindfulness. Gavin’s recent work has been featured in such outlets as Motivation and Emotion, Journal of Happiness Studies, and the International Journal of Wellbeing. Since March 2017, Gavin has been serving as co-editor of the International Journal of Wellbeing. In addition to his research activity, Gavin is the Director of Undergraduate Teaching at the Centre for Positive Psychology, where he manages and coordinates subjects that have been voted as amongst the best at the University. He is also a subject coordinator within the Master of Applied Positive Psychology. Prior to joining University of Melbourne, Gavin worked in management consulting in the areas of leadership development and executive training.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Factors associated with teacher wellbeing: A meta-analysis (#107)
2:10 PM
Sijing Zhou
Podium - Digital Health Platform, Teacher Wellbeing and Role of Hope in Burnout