Tharina Guse
University of Pretoria, GAUTENG, South Africa

I am Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Pretoria and I have been involved in research and pratice of positive psychology since 2000. My research focuses on psychosocial well-being, positive psychology interventions and psychological strengths, specifically hope and gratitude. Closely aligned with this broad focus I also conduct research on the application of hypnosis for the promotion of mental health and well-being
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Hope across Cultures - Interdisciplinary Foundations and Empirical Findings from the International Hope-Barometer Research Network (#292)
9:15 AM
Andreas M. Krafft
Helena Águeda Marujo
Helena Águeda Marujo
Symposium - Hope across Cultures - Interdisciplinary Foundations and Empirical Findings from the International Hope-Barometer Research Network