Brent Hogarth
Executive Flow Coaching, BC, Canada
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr. Brent Hogarth is on a mission is to help solve the mental health crisis through improving the way we work.
While born and raised in Vancouver, Canada, Brent earned his Master’s in Sport Psychology and Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from APA accredited John F. Kennedy University in California. Throughout his education and training in the diverse San Francisco Bay Area, Brent explored the effects of flow-state of consciousness — both for good and its lesser known dark side.
Brent's Doctoral research culminated in the completion of his dissertation - Shining light on the dark side of flow: is mindfulness in high-flow-state athletes predictive of improved self-control?
Based on his experience living in Buddhist Monasteries, Brent's research uncovered how mindfulness - and emotion regulation - may help athletes and professional gets the best out of flow-state, while mitigating the risk of its potential dark side - addiction, high risk and anti-social behavior, depression and burnout. By developing emotional regulation, Brent's research argued that one can create the psychological flexibility to properly focus their action more effectively toward the direction of positive flow and a value-driven life.
Brent has put the field of positive psychologies research into practice for a decade now - first within University counseling programs and more recently as an Executive Flow Coach working with leaders and organizations around the globe. As the head Peak Performance Coach at the Flow Research Collective Brent trained over 1000 'corporate athletes' to find greater flow-state in their personal and professional lives. This included working with Olympic and professional athletes, start up CEOs and entrepreneurs, members of the USA military, Doctors, coaches, engineers, creatives, those in finance and more. The common theme throughout each coaching engagement was the pursuit of fulfilling ones full potential before death - but in a fully integrated and healthy way. In his experience, Brent has come to experience the wisdom of the field of Positive Psychology, which is that well-being is not only about alleviating suffering, but that human flourishing requires the development of ones unique strengths and character, and most importantly, the ability to experience transcendent peak experiences. Bringing the wisdom of positive psychology into creating positive workplaces brings Brent great joy.
Currently in his full-time private practice, Brent deploys FlowRx, his signature positive psychology leadership and management program which builds high flow cultures where people feel alive at work. FlowRX is focused on breaking down bureaucracies and creating humanocracies - cultures of experimentation where everyone can act like an entrepreneur, where the prerequisites for team and individual Flow are present, and where growth is fostered through psychological safe coaching cultures.
In his personal life Brent is an avid athlete; he enjoys skiing Vancouver's local mountains, playing competitive basketball, as well as recently completing a full Ironman and a 100 Mile run - the Whistler Alpine Meadow 100 (which took him 47 and a half hours with no sleep!).
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Shining light on the dark side of flow-state (#688)
4:15 PM
Brent Hogarth
Afternoon Tea & Poster Session 1