Louise Giaume
Caserne sapeurs pompiers, FRANCE, France
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Working for the Paris Fire brigade since 2018 as an emergency physician, I decided to focus my work on stress management, occupational health, cardiac coherence and mindfulness with first responders. I will start a PHD in september on cognitif bias and decision making with military leaders.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
FIRECARE, COCARE, EMCARE : 3 interventions based on mindfulness, cardiac coherence and positive psychology experienced by the medical rescue team, the emergency dispatchers and the firefighters in command of the Paris fire brigade to improve stress management, emotions, resilience and leadership. (#61)
10:45 AM
Louise Giaume
Adrien Jimenez
Adrien Jimenez
Positive Psychology Interventions for Firecare, Cocare and Emcare