Sunshine Coast Health Centre

Sunshine Coast Health Centre and Georgia Strait Women's Clinic are registered B Corp, licensed, and accredited mental health facilities that use an evidence-based, non-12-step, meaning-centred, strengths-based approach that interconnects all our services and therapies including medical withdrawal, anger management, rTMS, trauma therapy, and PTSD treatments.
While other centres focus on abstinence or symptom reduction, we focus on helping our clients solve the underlying issues driving trauma, addictive behaviour, or mental health suffering. This allows all clients to get the full, transformative benefit of our program.
Men and women are given the opportunity to explore their drinking or drug use, mental health, and/or trauma while also building camaraderie with other men, women, and professionals experiencing similar issues. This shared experience has been shown to provide the most therapeutic value. Even though the issues are the "same", how each gender deals with them are dramatically different, meaning the treatments and therapies need to be as well.
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