Case Western Reserve University - MPOD Program

The MS in Positive Organization Development and Change (MPOD) at Case Western Reserve University’s, Weatherhead School of Management is an adaptive response to continuing changes in the world. The curriculum remains on the cutting edge of change management, leadership development and organizational transformation, drawing from strength-based approaches such as Appreciative Inquiry, Emotionally Intelligent Leadership, Coaching with Compassion, Inclusive Leadership, Flourishing Enterprises, Positive Impact Change Interventions, Team Effectiveness, and Business as an Agent for World Benefit. MPOD uses experiential learning and action research methods in an intensive, applied, and interactive module design.
Completed in only 17 months as a hybrid program, MPOD offers a combination of both on-campus and virtual learning delivered in 10 Learning Modules over 5 university semesters.
MPOD provides mastery-level, hands-on expertise through faculty-directed, real-world projects. Students partner with faculty and organization leaders to design and implement self-initiated, self-paced projects to earn credentialing badges for their experience portfolio.
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